Raag Lalit

Raag Lalit is an ancient raag belonging to the Poorvi family. There are two types of Lalit - Shuddh Dhaivat Lalit and Komal Dhaivat Lalit. This article focuses on the latter.

Raag Lalit Introduction

Raag Lalit, a short presentation

Key Features of Raag Lalit

  • Lalit is one of few exceptions where both shuddh Ma and teevra Ma are used consecutively.

  • It is a poorvaang pradhan raag.

  • Since Ma is a very important note and it’s also playing continuously on the tanpura, a beginner may momentarily drift and start assuming the Ma as the Sa. This interestingly changes the raag to Todi. Watch the video to learn more.

  • Mood:  serene, devotional, yearning or longing

Watch the video to get an introduction to Lalit. Also learn what is Jati and Moorchhana.


nl R g M D n su

su n D M m, M g R s

Vadi, Samvadi

m, s

Nyaas Swars

s, g, m

Jati Shadav
Pakad nl R g m, M g M g R s
Time 4th prahar of the night from 4am-7am
Thaat Poorvi